Volition Enterprises

Rewiring Your Programming: How to Break Free from Fear and Take Action

We’ve all been programmed to fear certain things based on our belief system. This belief system wasn’t something we consciously built—it was shaped by our circle of influence, past experiences, role models, and what my mother used to call the “dummy box” (also known as the media, social media, and everything in between).

So, what happens when we get a new thought or idea that could take us to the next level? That old programming kicks in, and before we know it, we’re hit with a feeling—usually one that feels an awful lot like fear.

What Fear Whispers to Us

Fear tells us:

  • It’s not safe.
  • We aren’t good enough.
  • We don’t know enough.
  • We aren’t qualified.
  • We can’t afford it.
  • We need all the answers first.
  • We’re running out of time.
  • We’re going to fail.

Sound familiar? That’s not truth—it’s just the programming talking.

How Fear Affects Our Actions (and Our Results)

If we let fear drive, it influences our actions—or lack thereof. We procrastinate, self-sabotage, or retreat to the illusion of safety: the comfort zone.

Did you catch that? The comfort zone is a false reality. It’s not truly comfortable, and it’s definitely not safe. In fact, it is the biggest threat to our growth, success, and purpose.

How to Overcome Fear and Rewrite Your Programming

The only way to put fear in check is through action.

Fear tells you that you’re not ready? Do it anyway.

Fear says you don’t have all the answers? Take the first step.

Fear warns you that you might fail? Reframe failure as feedback.

Yes, it will be uncomfortable. Yes, it will be scary. But this is the defining difference between those who break barriers and those who stay stuck. It is the difference between:

  • Scarcity and abundance
  • Stagnation and momentum
  • Living small and stepping into your divine purpose

Your Superpower: Free Will to Take Uncomfortable Action

Your superpower is your ability to choose action over fear. It is what separates those who rise from those who remain stuck.

So, let me ask you: What action can you take today to put fear in check? Because the life you desire is waiting on the other side of that action.